🪐 welcome !

hello ! i am yosyo, yet another french techy weeb gamer nerd musician person :D

🚀 tech, computers and code

i'm a developer, currently studying at the 42 school (proud member of the seekers coalition), a really cool school which does not rely on theorical learning and but rather on practical projects.

i've always been really interested by computers and programming. i've started with arduino, that uses a variant of c++. later, i started using python for school and i loved it. i'm now learning c for school and soon c++ will come back.
i want to learn rust to be a blazingly fast cool kid.

i am a big fan of linux, i'm still forced to be on windows because i have too many issues with my nvidia gpu on offload but eventualy i'll change my computer for an amd config and then i will be able to daily drive linux again :D
after trying a lot of distributions, my favorite is by far nixos, i really love the philosophy behind it, and it really often just works except when you do shit but it's almost always your fault.

my main project is to develop and host my own a web-streaming service. i want to try hosting myself everything i can, as i find cool to not rely on anything else than myself for certain things.
to achieve this i need a server, that's where my really cool shiny incredible raspberry pi 5 comes up, it's my only server thingy for now but i plan to have a real machine one day dedicated to that.

and of course, as an open-source enthousiast, you can find all of my project's code on my github.

🎸 music

i'm a musician. i can play 3 instruments : a little bit of piano, diatonic accordion and guitar (i have 2 guitars, an electric one, a g110 scarlet red cort, and an acoustic one, an alhambra massive z nature). i compose music on fl studio since around 2017, i'm still learning and trying to find what i like/want to do in term of genre, it's a long but really fun journey.
i do that for fun and for myself mostly, nothing too serious. i haven't released any good songs yet but i'll update here with a link if i happen to do.